Source: 8.4 Million Hits - Product Marketing Strategy to Promote Your Offers

Source: 8.4 Million Hits – Product Marketing Strategy to Promote Your Offers

➡️ New traffic sources:

This is a new product marketing strategy you can use to promote your website and offers.

Today you will:

Get a new traffic source
Get “do follow” backlinks
Promote your website or product
Get unlimited traffic sources

Who is this for?

Bloggers / content creators
Affiliate marketers
Service providers / freelancers
Coaches / mentors
Product vendors

Why listen to me?

Digital marketing since 1998
Self employed since 2004
Built hobby site to 4 million hits a month
Worked with biggest sites on the planet

What happens next:

Check / verify website stats
Create an account (free)
Promote your offer

Hey guys today is all about product marketing.

I’m gonna show you a brand new traffic source that’s going to be absolutely amazing if you have a product to market or you just want to get some website traffic. So I’ll show you exactly who this is for in a second but today you will learn how to get a brand new traffic source that gives you do follow backlinks. And this will allow you to promote your website or your product so we’re not just focusing on product marketing today we’re going a little bit beyond that and if you stay until the end I’m going to show you how you can get unlimited traffic sources. And these are highly targeted for your specific niche you have to check it out.

Ok, so who is this for well it’s for bloggers and content creators it’s also for affiliate marketers it’s for e-commerce stores service providers freelancers coaches mentors and of course product vendors so basically if you do business on the Internet and the traffic source that we’re talking about today is going to be right for you.

But you and I both know that the Internet is full of people who can really claim to be anything and it’s hard really hard to tell who is legit who’s for real and who’s just making stuff up so why should you listen to me?

Well, I’ve been doing digital marketing since 1998 I started in my late teens and I’ve been consistently involved in this industry still since then. I became self-employed in 2004 so a long time ago now I built my hobby site to 4 million hits a month. If you stay until the end I’m gonna show you how I did that and I’ve worked with some of the biggest web sites on the planet that you will have heard of so that’s why you should listen to me I am the real deal I’ve been around for a long time and I have got the results to back it up.

Here’s what happens next. Today we’re gonna go to SimilarWeb and we’re going to verify that the traffic levels, and the stats are on point so you can decide for yourself if you want to use this traffic source for your business. Then we’re going to create an account which is free it’s really easy to use and then we’re going to promote your office so we’re going to get traffic and you’re gonna build your email list if that’s your thing, or you’re gonna sell more stuff if that’s your thing – or maybe you just want to share your content, that’s fine too.

Watch the video to learn how to use todays platform that’s perfect for product marketing.

#productmarketing #digitalmarketing #marketing



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