Get Organic Traffic for Free with this Google Image SEO Strategy

Get Organic Traffic for Free with this Google Image SEO Strategy

➡️ Get organic traffic FASTER than any SEO strategy:

This is how you can drive organic traffic to your website, for free, by using SEO for Google Images.


My results with Google Image Search SEO: 0:19
Google Image Search popularity: 1:27
How you get organic traffic: 1:53
The future of image search: 2:05
Image quality: 2:43
Surrounding content: 3:29
Image optimization: 4:34
Image formats: 5:34
Image popularity: 6:07
Image compression: 6:50
Free plugins: 7:09
Lazy loading: 8:42
Browser caching: 10:19
Image sitemaps: 11:27
Add structured data: 11:55
Drive backlinks: 12:13
Track performance 13:15
Get traffic faster than SEO: 14:13

Image quality

Use unique images only

High quality image but not too large – mobile friendly

Surrounding Content

Post on unique high quality content pages

The image should be relevant to the rest of your website’s content

Add supporting content to your articles, delve into the features and benefits

When it makes sense, consider placing the most important image near the top of the page

Image optimization

Image file name should contain hyphenated keywords, and no stop words

Use alt, captions and title attributes because these provide context to the image.

Image formats

Use the JPEG format whenever possible, they are SEO-friendly and image-quality friendly.

The PNG format is the right choice only when you need a transparent background.

GIFs should only be used for small-size animations, but limited to 256 colours.

Image popularity

If an image is used a lot, it must be popular and ranks higher.

Image compression

Compress your images for the web so they’re fast loading. There are numerous compression tools out there.

Free WordPress plugins:

Google has stated that EXIF data may be a “ranking factor” in Google Images. This will help you:

Lazy loading

Lazy loading is where the browser defers the loading of images until they are needed. This makes a good user experience.


This WordPress plugin will help you:

Browser caching

Browser caching is where images get stored in your visitor’s browser. This makes for a fast loading website, if and when they visit your website in the future.

This WordPress plugin will help you:

Image sitemaps

“You can use Google image extensions for sitemaps to give Google more information about the images available on your pages. Image sitemap information helps Google discover images that we might not otherwise find (such as images your site reaches with JavaScript code), and allows you to indicate images on your site that you want Google to crawl and index.”

How to make image sitemaps:

However, if you’re using WordPress and Yoast SEO, then images are added to your sitemap automatically.

Add structured data

Google Images supports structured data for the following types:


Drive backlinks

It’s also a good idea to try to recover wasted backlinks.

Track performance

It’s important to track your performance in Search Console and Google Analytics.

But beware that Search Console does not show image file names.

Get organic traffic FASTER than any SEO strategy:

#seo #organictraffic #seostrategy



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