Get Traffic FAST, Free Website Promotion Hack with Newsjacking

Get Traffic FAST, Free Website Promotion Hack with Newsjacking

Get more traffic fast:

This is a website traffic hack that you can use to promote your website, get free traffic and publicity, FAST.

Today’s strategy is consistently proven to work, I’ve been using this repeatedly since the early 2000’s, and right now it’s working better than ever before. On top of that, I’ll also give you a powerful free traffic source that you can tap into.

It has over 700,000 visitors a month. And I’ll show you how to syphon some of those visitors back to your website. Now, the point of THIS tutorial is to give you a strategy that you can apply to HUNDREDS of traffic sources.

This is a proven website promotion strategy.

It works like this. We look for emerging NEWS STORIES that we can piggyback on, so we get more publicity and traffic. It’s called Newsjacking.

All we have to do is inject our thoughts and opinions, onto trending stories that are relevant to your niche. In addition to the free traffic, there’s also a long term SEO benefit too, as more authoritative websites link to you.

And then there’s another benefit to this too. Later on, we can also leverage THAT publicity for EVEN MORE traffic. But for now, we just need to find trending news that’s relevant to your niche. Thankfully, Google Trends makes this really easy.

More ways to get traffic fast:

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