Get Traffic That CONVERTS With Buyer-Intent Keyword Lists

Get Traffic That CONVERTS With Buyer-Intent Keyword Lists

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This how to get traffic that converts, using buyer intent keywords.

I’ll cover the three stages of buying so you know how to use the three types of keywords that signal buyer-intent. I will give you a list of each type so you can target the right traffic. And then I’ll show you how to find more buyer-intent keywords, so you never run out of ideas.

This is important so you can create sales funnel content that matches the user intent, so you know what a searcher is REALLY looking for and then provide it at the right stage of their buying journey.

There are four stages of buying; frustration, interest, consideration, and procurement.

Frustration arises when a surfer wants to solve a problem. They might want to improve their appearance and lose weight, or become more financially stable and make more money, or improve their social life and go on more dates.

Interest arises when they see the specific benefits of solving the problem and their desire increases.

The consideration stage is when they explore their options and do things like compare products.

And procurement is the final stage of the sales funnel, when they seek out a specific product to buy.

Now, there are three types of keywords that signal buyer-intent and they each match a stage of the sales funnel.

They are informational keywords, investigative keywords and transactional keywords.

Informational keywords are when the surfer wants to learn something or solve a problem. These are high volume keywords. We can map them to top of funnel content, at the frustration stage.
Use keywords like:
how to ______
the history of ______
ways to ______
what is ______
______ tutorial
______ guide
why ______

The best types of content to make for this stage of the sales funnel could be; educational blog posts, like ‘how to’ content, educational videos, ebooks, white papers, checklists, and cheat sheets.

Investigative keywords are used to compare products, or features. These keywords can be used around the middle stages of the funnel. The surfer is close to buying, but just not yet. These keywords match the consideration stage of the sales funnel.

Use keywords like:

top 10 ______
reviews for ______
______ vs ______
______ compatibility.

The best type of content to make for this stage of the funnel could be; webinars, reviews, free trials, how-to’s, testimonials.

Transactional keywords are used when the surfer wants to buy something. These have a smaller search volume but are the most profitable and are used at the bottom of the funnel at the procurement stage.

Use keywords like:
Buy ______
free shipping ______
______ deals
______ coupon code

The best type of content to use for this stage of the funnel; sales pages, testimonials, case studies, motivational stories, product literature and coupons.

Let’s take this a step further by using keyword modifiers.
Keyword modifiers are words that people add to search queries to make them more relevant.

Adjectives, slang words, verbs, shopping words and questions can be included in your content to target those surfers.
Words like:


We can also target by gender, and by price. For example, “best mens sneakers for under $200”.

There’s something you need to consider. And that’s SERP intent.

You need to look at the SERPs to determine the TRUE intent. For example, if I search for the “best way to lose weight”, the SERP tells us the true intent is that people want to lose weight fast. So that should be reflected in your content.

Now you know how to identify high intent keywords, take the next step and drive traffic using some of my top secret traffic sources.

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