Get Website Traffic With The Link Roundup Method

Get Website Traffic With The Link Roundup Method

Get website traffic with this link roundup method. Also see how I got over 30,000 visitors a day for free:

Getting quality traffic can be hard, it usually takes either months and months of solid grind – and then HOPING that other sites link to your content.

Or it requires spending a small fortune on trying different adverts, in the HOPE that you find one that works.

So today I will show you how to get targeted traffic, for free, and how to get authoritative backlinks that will improve your Google rank.

Every week, in practically every industry, influencers, and bloggers, and marketers are compiling lists of the best links in their industry.

So it makes sense to get your website included on these lists, right?
And the great thing is, it’s easy to do.

And when you suggest links, you’re actually helping the influencer – you’re helping them to save time, and making their life easier.

So this is the Google Sheets document we’ll be using to keep track of your progress. You can have a copy of this – make your own copy:

Here are some search strings to use:
Keyword + “link roundup”
Keyword” + inurl:roundup
Keyword” + intitle:roundup
Keyword + monthly roundup
Keyword + Monday link roundup

Also see:
Traffic For Affiliate Links, CPA & Landing Pages

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#increasetraffic #webtraffic #linkroundup

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