7 Best Traffic Sources For 2022 (4 Billion Visitors)

7 Best Traffic Sources For 2022 (4 Billion Visitors)

These are my 7 best traffic sources for right now, today, and the year ahead. See how I got 30,000 visitors a day: https://profitcopilot.com/traffic

And make full time passive income: https://profitcopilot.com/180

Combined these traffic sources have a jaw-dropping reach of more than 4 BILLION website visitors every single month.

The thing is, the ONLY THING that will make these 7 traffic sources work for you, is relevancy. You need to truly understand your target audience. So before I share the traffic sources, you need to make sure that your message matches your market’s level of sophistication. It’s called the message to market match. And it is essential to success.

Now, what that really means is, you need to understand WHERE your target website visitors are, right now, on their customer journey, and then create marketing material that speaks directly to THEM.

You see, we can get all the traffic in the world, but unless it converts into revenue, there’s no point. So if you’re currently not getting the kind of traffic that you want, it’s probably because the message to market match is slightly wrong. But it’s easy to fix.

So if you want me to create a separate video explaining the 5 levels of market sophistication and how to use them to drive traffic and sales, let me know in the comments.

Because once you understand the needs of your customers, driving traffic becomes a whole lot easier. Instead of being perceived as ‘spam’, your links are welcomed and even shared by your peers.

Instead of being a pest that gets banned, you become a respected and valued member of the community.

So with that in mind, let’s take a look at my 7 best traffic sources for the year ahead.

Also see:
X4 Your Traffic & Visitors: Get On The Front Page Of Google

(Traffic) Millions of Visitors With Free Publicity Marketing

500% Increase in Organic Traffic (Keyword Research Strategy)

5 Traffic Sources For Affiliate Links

#trafficsources #webtraffic #webvisitors

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