Targeted Traffic Secrets: 5 Levels Of Market Sophistication

Targeted Traffic Secrets: 5 Levels Of Market Sophistication

Traffic secrets revealed. The 5 levels of Market Sophistication. Also see how I got 30,000 visitors for free:

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Most people who need web traffic never get enough. And when they do manage to get some traffic, it never converts into revenue.

I know that it feels like there’s a missing piece of the puzzle. That some people can flick a switch and get traffic, while everyone else is left to struggle.

So let’s fix that today.

And listen, if you’re serious about building a profitable Internet business, I think you will love the free bonus I have for you at the end of this tutorial.

Ok, so, you see, when it comes to driving traffic, understanding the specific needs and desires of your customers is such an obvious thing to say, but it’s surprising how many people who watch my videos will do everything they can to get web traffic but will overlook the most important component.

And what happens?

They end up promoting their websites, or affiliate links, landing pages, or their products to people who just aren’t interested.
They don’t get the traffic they deserve.

So if you’re not getting the traffic levels you want, it’s probably because there’s a disconnect between your message and the segment of the market you’re promoting to.

But thankfully, it’s an easy fix. And to do that we can use a principle called Market Sophistication.

And last week I asked you if you wanted to learn more about that principle.
Market Sophistication is important because it helps you create the right marketing messages for the right segment of your target audience. It’s not just about creating campaigns that look and sound good, that have glossy images or vibrant videos, it’s actually about being relevant.
Relevancy is critical.

So this is how you can get laser-targeted traffic that converts into revenue.
I’ll explain the 5 levels of market sophistication as described by Eugene Schwartz in his landmark book, Breakthrough Advertising. I will also teach you how to target each segment and what type of message, or content appeals to each one.

I will also explain what metrics, or results, you should be tracking for each stage.

And then all you have to do is put the right message in front of the right people, and you will get traffic that not only flocks to your website in droves, but will also be ready to spend money with you.

Now, while this book was written in 1966, it can, and should, still be used for digital marketing. So I’ve taken this as the foundation and I have updated those lessons so they make sense in today’s world.

The 5 levels of market sophistication are:
Unaware – people who are unaware they need your help
Problem Aware – people who know they need help
Solution Aware – people who know that solutions exist
Product Aware – people who know which products can help them
Most Aware – people who are ready to buy

TOF has the widest volume but least value. BOF has the lowest volume but the most value.

You have to move people to the next stage. Some people will enter at the middle, some at the bottom.

Also see:

7 Best Traffic Sources For 2022 (4 Billion Visitors)

X4 Your Traffic & Visitors: Get On The Front Page Of Google

(Traffic) Millions of Visitors With Free Publicity Marketing

500% Increase in Organic Traffic (Keyword Research Strategy)

5 Traffic Sources For Affiliate Links

#trafficsecrets #webtraffic #marketing

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