2,414 Visitors A Day (Free Traffic Method)

2,414 Visitors A Day (Free Traffic Method)

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Also see how I got 30,000 visitors a day here: https://profitcopilot.com/traffic

And make passive income here:

Look at this; Google Analytics shows that I got more than 2,000 unique website visitors every day for free, to a brand new website, and in less than 2 weeks.

So how did I do this? Well, let me tell you, it doesn’t happen by accident. It happens when you implement the right strategy.

Welcome to profitcopilot.com, Mick Meaney here and today you are going to learn how to get INSTANT website traffic from podcasts – without needing to appear on them, or having to create your own content.

It sounds pretty good, right?

And I’ve also compiled everything you need into a single downloadable PDF containing all the resources and ‘done for you’ templates you need to make this work. Scroll down to the description and grab that now. You don’t even have to opt-in.

And also, if you like the sound of that I think you’ll love the free bonus I have for you at the end of this video that will show you how I got over 30,0000 visitors a day for free.


Ok back to today’s lesson. I stumbled upon this free traffic strategy by accident. Let me tell you a story.

One day I noticed a lot of traffic coming from a website I wasn’t familiar with. It was a podcast.

Now, I had not appeared as a guest, I didn’t pay for advertising. In fact, I was a little bit freaked out; why was I being mentioned on a random podcast?

Well, it turns out, they’d just read part of an article I’d written and were linking to it in the show notes.

So that got me thinking about the power of podcast traffic.

I started sending RELEVANT news and tips to other podcasts in my niche. And sure enough, they started mentioning – and linking to – my website.

I realized most podcasts are desperate for content. So it makes sense for them to welcome you as a source of reliable and credible information.

So this strategy works in three steps.

Step1: Find water-cooler moments that people in your niche will talk about

Step 2: Add your own twist, hook, opinion, or angle to that content

Step 3: Promote the content

Also see:
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Targeted Traffic Secrets

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X4 Your Traffic & Visitors: Get On The Front Page Of Google

#websitetraffic #trafficmethods #webtraffic

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