10 Proven Ways to Get Website Traffic Today: 100% Guaranteed

10 Proven Ways to Get Website Traffic Today: 100% Guaranteed

Here are 10 proven ways to get website traffic right now, today.

➡️ New traffic methods:

I’m gonna show you 10 ways to get website traffic right now, so if you want to drive immediate traffic to your website today, in the next few minutes, you’re going to learn how to do that here.

We’re going to use some of the best traffic sources that I’ve discovered over the last year or so.

Here is what you will learn today:

You’re going to learn how to drive website traffic to your site today. No waiting around for SEO, no waiting around for guest bloggers to say. You’re also going to use this to get backlinks that boost your ranking, so we are thinking about the long term strategy and we’re not going after just like a one-hit wonder because we’re gonna incorporate this into part of a big marketing mix.

And then at the end I’m going to show you how you can learn about a hobby site that I built that got four million visitors per month and I did that within about three years going from zero traffic.

But why should you listen to me anyway? I mean everybody can come on the internet and claim to be an expert, but why should you listen to me? Well, I’ve been doing this stuff since around 1998. A long time now, but I started when I was around 18 and 19 years old and obviously I’ve learned a lot over the years. And I went full-time self-employed with my own hobby website in 2004 and over the years, over the decades, I have worked with hundreds… probably thousands of websites and you’re gonna learn the same stuff.

Everything here is coming from a good place where I really do genuinely want you to succeed and that’s why I create all these videos and podcasts and blog posts to help you do that.

So this is the website traffic plan:

We are going to leverage other people’s websites for traffic then we’re going to direct some of that traffic to your website. And then you’re going to rinse and repeat each time you publish fresh content. If you’re not publishing content on a regular basis, and I mean original content, then I would encourage you to go back to the drawing board and rethink it because if you’re hoping to just send traffic to a squeeze page, or worse just an offer, then I’m gonna predict that you’re not getting the results you want? And that’s why! It’s because you’re not delivering value first.

So have a look at anyone who was doing anything worthwhile on the Internet, they’re all contributing something deeply positive to the audience and to their niche. So that means you’ve got to do the same.

Yeah it’s work takes work it takes time, but that’s what it takes to succeed. Nothing worth having ever came easy.

So let’s get you some website traffic right now. What we’re gonna do is go through 10 of the best website traffic sources that I’ve discovered recently. We’re going to look at the traffic levels of each one so you can decide for yourself if each one in particular is right for you. I would encourage you to give them all a go.

The first one you’ve got for you is called Digg.com. I’m using SimilarWeb to check the traffic levels.

Watch the video to discover more ways to get website traffic.

#websitetraffic #trafficsources #webtraffic


▶ How to Increase Website Traffic with this Generator

▶ How to Get Website Traffic from this Popular Article Submission Site

▶ Targeted Website Traffic with this Guerrilla Marketing Strategy

▶ Organic Traffic with this Content Marketing Strategy

▶ Blog: https://profitcopilot.com


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